Stanley Richards Solicitors

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Privacy and Transparency Notice

Welcome to our website. If you continue to browse or use our services, you agree to our terms and  conditions and to be bound by them. The content of the pages of this website is for your general information and use only. It is subject to change without notice and it is for you to ensure contents  meet your specific requirements. 

Data Controller Stanley Richards Solicitors is the data controller.  

Purposes of Processing – Your data will be processed in order to: 

  • provide services under contract to you; 
  • provide services to others (in so far as this does not breach client confidentiality); comply with regulatory and other legal obligations; and 
  • protect Stanley Richards Solicitors against potential claims. 

Legal Basis – Your data will be processed on the basis that Stanley Richards Solicitors has a  legitimate interest in being able to achieve the aims of processing set out above. Where special  category data is provided, the provider of the data warrants that they consent to Stanley  Richards Solicitors processing that data or that they have obtained written consent from the  data subject. 

Personal Data Held – As a minimum, Stanley Richards Solicitors is required to positively  identify its clients. This also includes positively identifying a director in the case of a corporate  client. In addition, Stanley Richards Solicitors holds whatever information is provided to it by  its clients and others. This will rarely include special category data. 

Failure to Provide Data – If you fail to provide Stanley Richards Solicitors with the data required  you will not receive services or marketing. 

Data Sources Stanley Richards Solicitors obtains most personal data from its clients and  those who have indicated that they have an interest in Stanley Richards Solicitors services.  Stanley Richards Solicitors also obtains some personal data from other correspondents.  Stanley Richards Solicitors also collects some data from publicly available sources (e.g.  Companies House). 

Recipients – Any data provided by a client is treated as confidential to that client and will only be  shared with others in so far as this is necessary in order to provide the services contracted for by  the client, to comply with regulatory and other legal obligations and to protect Stanley Richards  Solicitors against a potential claim. In order to provide its services, Stanley Richards Solicitors 

relies on the services of certain data processors. These include secure cloud storage for files and  emails. In each case, Stanley Richards Solicitors ensures that data is processed in compliance  with this policy. 

Third Countries and Safeguards – Other than where required in order to provide services as  required in individual client matters, data is rarely sent to third countries. Where it is, the relevant  devices shall be password protected and equipped with tracking and remote wipe software. The  devices are personally accompanied. 

Retention Period – Data is held for six years from the end of the relevant matter or for six years  where not associated with a particular matter or as lawfully advised by other data processors  we work with. 

Data Subject’s Rights – Where relevant, you have the right (subject to client confidentiality) to: withdraw consent to the processing of your data; 

  • complain to a supervisory authority regarding the processing of your data 

(; and 

  • obtain a copy of the data held on you and to correction of any errors in that data. Automated Decision Making – None. 

Further Details – The Data Controller will provide further details of any of the above on request. Stanley Richards Solicitors may change this policy from time to time by updating this page 

Links to Other Websites – Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. However,  once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control  over that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any  information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this  privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the  website in question.